On August 4, 2017, Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis blogs:
I began the month of August with two efforts to listen and learn on a pair of long-running city issues. … On Wednesday, I convened the first meeting of the Eugene Performance Auditor study group. This is not an official City of Eugene committee; City staff are not involved, and I reserved a library meeting room just as any other citizen group would, in order to assure the public that research is independent and impartial. In my position as a citizen who is also mayor, I have called people together to help us understand the framework of decisions in implementing a performance auditor role. Their task is to build a framework. They will not recommend a specific auditor role or scope, nor will they advocate for or oppose the initiative currently gathering signatures. This is part of my commitment for transparent decision making. The meetings are open to the public; information and materials are available on a new website: EugenePerformanceAuditor.org …