City already has an auditor

In the April 14, 2018, issue of the Register-Guard, Eugene resident and League of Women Voters of Lane County president Linda Lynch writes in a letter:

The city of Eugene already has an auditor. The detailed wording of Measure 20-283 may lead voters to think that the requirements and duties assigned to the proposed elected auditor do not now happen. Eugene has an independent financial audit every year, as required by state law. For 41 consecutive years Eugene’s Comprehensive Annual Report (CAFR) has been awarded a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

Eugene, like most municipalities in Oregon, is required to have an annual financial audit performed by a certified public accountant who is also licensed as a municipal auditor. This external auditor must evaluate and report on the city’s financial statements and its compliance with state minimum standards and federal grant requirements. Testing covers internal controls plus compliance with state budgeting, investment, purchasing and insurance requirements. Eugene’s CAFR for the year ended June 30, 2017, includes in its 198 pages required information prepared by city staff and the required reports of Isler CPA, the external auditor. The CAFR can be accessed on the city’s website at Vote no on Measure 20-283.

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