In the April 24, 2018, issue of the Register-Guard, Eugene resident Julie Daniel in a letter:
A Eugene city auditor is a good idea too long in coming, but Measure 20-283 is just too flawed to support.
Regrettably, 20-283 petitioners avoided public scrutiny by developing their measure behind closed doors. Major changes to the City Charter should be carefully evaluated in public before going before voters to avoid such problems.
Look at the list of people and organizations opposing 20-283 and see that across the political spectrum, people saw red flags. Kitty Piercy and Jack Roberts, unions, business leaders, environmentalists, school board members and Eugene Water & Electric Board commissioners, the nonpartisan League of Women Voters, the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce and many others agree Measure 20-283 is a bad deal.
In contrast, Measure 20-287 is based on the recommendations of the independent Citizen’s Charter Review Committee, updated by Citizens for Sensible Oversight and put on the ballot at the urging of concerned citizens. It was written, aired, debated and adjusted in front of the public. Don’t fall prey to conspiracy stories and fear tactics. Vote yes on 20-287, no on 20-283.