In the January 14, 2015, issue of the Register-Guard, reporter Saul Hubbard writes:
The Lane County commissioners on Tuesday unanimously approved hiring a new internal auditor for county government, a position that’s been vacant since 2010.
Shanda Miller, a Eugene resident who works in the Oregon Secretary of State’s office, was chosen from a pool of candidates after a series of interviews last month, staff said.
Miller, who holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Oregon, has worked as an auditor for the secretary of state for almost a decade. She also served for two years on the city of Eugene’s volunteer budget committee.
The auditor will report directly to the board of commissioners. The board already directly supervises county Administrator Steve Mokrohisky and county counsel Stephen Dingle.
An internal county committee, Mokrohisky and the commissioners, will establish an annual work plan for the auditor. …