In the January 25, 2018, issue of the Register-Guard, Eugene resident Richard A. Sundt writes in a letter:
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” said Abraham Lincoln in 1863. But thanks to our mayor and city staff, democratic government has, 155 years later, perished in Eugene.
It should outrage all Eugeneans, no matter their views regarding the independent-auditor ballot measure. A notice placed by the city in a recent Register-Guard is requesting volunteers “to write an argument in opposition” to this citizen initiative for the Voters’ Pamphlet.
If the mayor had requested both “for and against,” this would be democratic and respectful, but not to write in favor of one view only — and especially one for which we don’t know how many Eugeneans hold Lucy Vinis’ position.
We do know that those favoring the independent auditor have garnered some 10,000 signatures, about 2,000 more than required to get on the May ballot.
If The R-G notice is not withdrawn or altered to present both sides of the issue, we are living in a dictatorship. It’s alarming and sad that our elected representatives, led by the mayor, have gotten to the point of subverting democracy. Lincoln must be turning in his grave.