Weekly Recap – January 25, 2018

On January 25, 2018, Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis blogs:

Monday this week found Council hosting a robust public forum with 48 speakers who addressed more than a dozen topics. These ranged from calls for divestment from banks involved with fossil fuel extraction and production; calls to proceed with implementing a railroad quiet zone, to concern about the proliferation of marijuana retailers downtown, and urging council to move forward in reviewing the code changes for secondary dwelling units. We also heard from both citizen groups advocating for a city auditor function — the petitioners who placed the independent auditor initiative on the ballot and the citizens who drafted an alternative measure that they hope the council will finalize into a ballot measure. Council voted on Wednesday to direct staff to draft a final ballot measure based on the amended language for the alternative proposal. The final version of that measure will return to Council on February 12th, when we will vote whether to submit it for the May election. …

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