Auditor to study mental health unit: County commissioners OK a work plan for Shanda Miller, who began work analyzing programs in February

In the August 19, 2015, issue of the Register-Guard, reporter Saul Hubbard writes:

Lane County Auditor Shanda Miller will conduct an in-depth review of the county’s cash-strapped mental health care division during her first full fiscal year on the job.

Miller also will analyze the finances of Lane County government as a whole, looking for emerging financial threats and opportunities, and implement an anonymous hotline for county employees to report suspected fraud, waste and abuse.

The Lane County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved Miller’s 2015-16 work plan at its meeting Tuesday. Once completed, all of Miller’s audits will be made available to the public.

Commissioner Jay Bozievich, in a prepared statement, said the work plan “will provide additional transparency for our citizens as well as manage risk for one of our critical programs.” …

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